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Your next bestfriend. Hey, nice to know you ♥

Apr 1, 2011


Hai blogger

Hari ini gue to-do-listnya adalah:
1. Pergi ke bogor
2. Mau beli sepatu buat sekolah
3. Mau beli novel dll
4. Mau beli es krim (?)

Oke yang terakhir emang agak aneh ya. Tapi gue gatau kenapa random tadi malem gue pengen banget makan es krim baskin robbins-_-. Antara gue liat film tadi malem ada baskin robbins atau emang ngidam. Udah kayak ibu-ibu hamil gue ngidam. Dan gue rasa melebihi dari ibu-ibu hamil.

Dan unfortunately, tadi pas perjalanan pulang gue ketiduran. Jadinya ga sempet beli es krim hhh



Oya btw hari ini adalah tanggal 1 April 2011. Dan kalian pasti tau apa. Yaitu April Mop!

Okedeh bye sekian

Chacha is signing off 


I love the way you smile
I love the way you laugh
I love the way you play your guitar
I love the way you swing your hair
I love the way i love you

Even you never know what i felt
Even you never know how my heart beat faster when i met you
Even you never know how i kept my feeling infront of you

If your heart belong to someone else
If someday you'll never be mine

I don't care because i'm always be in love with you,
and my heart always belong to you

Because you're my first love and first love will never end
These words don't come from book, they don't come from a website or song 
These words come from me: I love you

Mar 31, 2011

Go on boy, go on.

If you like her, don’t wait. Tell her how you feel about her.
If you want to talk to her, don’t wait. Go talk to her.
If you're thinking of making a move, don’t wait. Go make it happen.
If you're thinking about calling her to say g’night, don’t wait. Just call.

Don’t hesitate.
Go with your gut feeling.

You don’t have forever because if you do, she’ll find someone who didn’t wait and just went for it. What’s the worst? She turns you down, but life goes on. Cause I know what it feels like to wait forever for something that is there even though you can’t see it, because he hasn’t shown a sign. I know what it’s like to hope someone will call, but they never do, to wait for someone to approach you and come talk to you, but they never do, to wait for something that will never happen.

So go. Go on and fill the hole in that girl’s heart and show her how you feel because chances are she feels the same way. Don’t make her wait forever and ever for nothing.

It hurts, just so you know.

Reblog from Kak Nadhira's blog

Mar 30, 2011

"But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

I hate the way you talk to me
and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind

I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie. 

I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close...
not even a little bit...

not even at all.

Mar 29, 2011

What a girl wants

She wants to be his last.
She wants to be his scared thing to lose.
She wants to be his riddle that he always try to solved.
She wants to be the one he only dreamed of in his sleep.
She wants he said "you're lie. you're not fine." when she said she's fine but the truth she's not.
She wants his eye keep lock in her.
She wants he always there for her.
She wants be the one that he prouds of.
She wants be the one that caring him.
But most of all she wants to be the one that he can't live without.
It's pretty simple but it simply hard to do.