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Mar 23, 2011

Read this book noah, and i'll come back to you.......

I was being touched by movie, called the notebook. The most sad and romantic movie i've ever seen. I know that is an old movie. But i just watched it ; because astrid said it was a great movie. So i watched it in warner tv. Thank godness my indovision has already fixed :-)

At first, i don't really understand about the movie. And then i'm understand. And guess what? i cried in the end of the movie. Actually i can't cried out loud. Because my daddy and my mommy will get up from their tightly sleep because heard my cried. Gosh! really love that so much. I want borrow the dvd from astrid btw. Oya actually this post is my last post on this week. Because tomorrow i will have some test. FINAL TEST. oh god wish me luck guys :D